Oral Health and General Health--the Connection
Did you know that poor oral health can affect general health? Cavities, abscesses, and painful sores make it difficult to eat and obtain good nutrition. Seniors who suffer from poor oral health are more likely to lose weight due to poor nutrient intake. They may be self-conscious about eating in groups, and lose their desire to be sociable. Additionally, periodontal disease (gum disease) has been linked with many inflammatory conditions in other parts of the body. Here are a few examples:
Periodontal disease is associated with…
Periodontal disease is associated with…
Cardiovascular health
Risk of stroke
Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and of suffering a fatal heart attack
Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and of suffering a fatal heart attack
Diabetes (uncontrolled)
Periodontal disease interrupts diabetic control
Respiratory infections
Inhalation/aspiration of bacteria from the oral cavity can result in pneumonia
Pregnancy outcomes
Giving birth to a pre-term low birthweight baby