
Our Mission:

Geriatric Dental Hygiene Services is devoted to bringing high quality, compassionate dental hygiene care throughout the Denver metropolitan area.  We seek to improve the quality of life of our clients and maintain their dignity through the delivery of comprehensive dental hygiene care and by training caregivers to provide excellent daily oral hygiene care.  We strive to exceed the expectations of families, clients, and caregivers, and to deliver the exceptional care for which we are known.



Life is a journey of experiences and learning.  The elderly possess a wealth of maturity and wisdom gained through a lifetime of experiences.  The physical changes inevitable with age may separate the elderly from the energy, ambition and technology of today’s youth, and yet, the elderly will enrich listening ears with sage advice and understanding.  Our own lives have been greatly enriched by the elderly clients we serve. 

  • We value the wisdom and experiences possessed by the elderly, and believe they deserve patience and respect.
  • We believe each person is of value, and that God has a plan and purpose for each life on earth until one’s final breath.  
  • We believe in preserving the self-respect and dignity of the elderly and aim to maintain and improve quality of life so that each person we serve has the potential to live life to its fullest.


Our Philosophy Toward Care:

We understand how difficult it can be to know what care is best for your loved one.  Our goal is to provide the best care possible for each individual we serve.  This means that the dental hygiene care we recommend and provide is  based on the overall health needs and oral health needs of your loved one.  If you have questions, concerns, or would like to talk about scheduling care for your loved one, please do contact us today.